
Sven Co-op's "swept under the rug" History

This is here because I have not found this info documented in a non fragmented manner anywhere else.

If you would like something added please send me a email at gremlin6482@protonmail.com

The mistreatment of Solokiller

Solokiller was apart of the Sven Co-op development team and a extremely valued member of the community. He was known for support he would give around the, at the time new, Angel Script. On June 4th and 5th of 2016, this discussion was held on the forums.

Archived Page: https://archive.is/pmB8m

Ostrich Politics

After everything that happened on the SC forums, Solokiller was banned. This sparked chaos within the SC community. The SC team's response was to double down rather then concede which caused even more of a split. The negative effects of this can still be felt to this day within the community.

Archived Stean Posts: https://archive.is/B68wB, https://archive.is/jDXot, https://archive.is/TE34h

Archived SC Forum Posts: https://archive.is/D80mn, https://archive.is/ksIWP, https://archive.is/z6D7e, https://archive.is/lushf, https://archive.is/edgRs, https://archive.is/wx1FB

Yes, I read all of these.
You should too for the full picture.

Due to the way the Sniper and the rest of the team were handling the situation, the community took to reddit to express their dissapointment and thoughts.



There was even a news article about it

The death of the Forums

Fast forward 4 years, it's now May 29th 2020 and the SC forums go down. This was another major blow to the community. Looking up issues related to Sven Co-op will result in dead links due to this. Worst part is that Sniper still holds onto this data but doesn't do anything with it and won't let anyone archive important posts. I have personal experience with this one. I have talked directly with Sniper about it on the discord server.

Archived Page: https://twhl.info/thread/view/19658

What was lost:
> Guides and Tutorials
> Documentation
> A chunk of Sven Co-op History

These are messages from the public SC Discord server.

Not only does Sniper still have this data, he hoards it for who knows what and refuses to let anyone move important posts into html for him to host despite the community genuinely wanting this info back. His excuse of "not having time to deal with it" goes to show how little he cares about the community. The community made that data for him to own in the first place, his logic ignores a side to the story. He can take the text from the forum posts and host them or let someone else handle it yet he refuses to do either. With the context of the previous forums, it seems almost like he's trying to hide something. On April 22nd 2024 I announced that I was going to stop hosting my Sven Co-op server and asked the team to remove me from any server op stuff. I did not know about Solokiller at this point in time, just the fact that Sniper was being dodgy about the forums and that, morally speaking, that was not his data to hoard. I had only played for about 4 years and server hosted for 1. Because of this I had been missing out on some important details that were seemingly lost to time but were in reality swept under the rug. Thank you to the community members that filled me in on the rest of this!

What can the community do at this point?

> Make an alternative mod
With stuff like wootguy's SevenKewp picking back up in development last year and this year, this task is seeming like a real possibility in the future! Make sure to star SevenKwep on github if this concept interests you. If there are enough people showing interest then wootguy would likely try to find more help and make deving it a priority.

> Stop playing Sven Co-op
I know this sounds crazy but if you really want to show the devs that you are not supporting them and their actions, don't play the game! In their minds it's still a win if you complain about the issues but continue to play. Show them what the community actually does and let them sit in the silence.

> Hold the SC team accountable
You too can document your interactions with the SC team if something strikes you as odd. Don't post it on their discord server or else you risk getting into trouble and losing access to useful info about the mod. You can email me at gremlin6482@protonmail.com. If you see something please say something! I will keep any info sent anonymous unless you tell me to not.
