

You can call me Gremlin or Riza. I'm just a random trans lady on the internet. Feel free to explore the site :3

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Video of the Week

Most of these videos I have nothing to do with, I just enjoyed the videos and decided to share them.

View the VotW Log

Random Music that I like

I swap the music on the home page whenever I feel like it.

View All Music

About Website


You are free to inspect the code on all the webpages on from this site (gremlin.neocities). Most of the content on this site is from me making stuff and learning so I don't mind other people learning from it too! I do not consent to AI using my pages for training purposes.

The layout that pages like this use are heavily modified versions of sadgrl's layout builder.

88x31 buttons used for navigating this website and some bookmarked websites were either made with GIMP (gnu image manipulation program), sadgrl's 88x31 button maker, or sourced from
Most of the buttons from bookmarked websites were made by their respective webmasters.

There currently is none finished but I am working on making games for this site, heres the credits for the music in them

I use VSCodium with the live preview plugin to make and edit web pages while viewing the edits in real time. It's really nice and saves time in my use case.

I made a 88x31 button for this website in case anyone wants it.

To Do List

Add more to shrines

Make pages for music and games that I like

Finish mobile friendly pages

Add more to the archive
(still waiting on my mom to give me some recipes from when I was a kid)
