
Using Neocities?

Here is content that you can use on your website without having to host anything yourself!

> Royalty Free Content
Royalty Free Content requires credits for the Author.


Here are some useful webdev resources for both noobs and nerds.

Free Classes (Learn to code)


> freeCodeCamp.org
Learn how to become a developer and become certified!
> Harvard CS50
Harvard CS50 is a class at Harvard University. They upload their material online for anyone to follow and learn from. Does the courses from freeCodeCamp not resonate with you due to the online school kind of environment? Most of what is said in class is uploaded to youtube, this allows for a more traditional experience.

Want to jump right in?

You will need a text editor. You can do this in notepad if you like pain or you could use something more like VSCode. We personally use VSCodium and recomend anyone working with just HTML, CSS, and Javascript to do the same. The Live Preview Plugin allows you to view your edits in real time making the whole process way less time consuming. Sometimes something won't display properly with that plugin, you can use the live server plugin to view it within your web browser. There are website builders that require zero coding but we will not be linking to them here as that goes against one of our group's own goal which is teaching digital literacy.

> W3Schools
Basic documentation on all things that an aspiring webdev would need + more.
> sadgrl.online
Looking to make a website on neocities? Learn about webmastery and HTML/CSS, find tools and layouts, and explore the more personal side of making a website for fun + moral guidelines to follow while making something accessible to everyone on the internet.
> AsmrProg-YT's 100 days of javascript
There is a lot to learn from this if you like the CS50 style youtube lessons.

Free Webhosts (Make a website)

> Neocities
Great for beginners and experienced web devs. Free tier is limited to one site and no custom domains. Paid tier is only $5 and seems worth it if you want custom domains and more bandwidth. This is also technically social media but you can disable that aspect if you don't want to participate in it.
> Github Pages
Great for collaborative websites, is much more restrictive.

VPSes, Domains, and SSL (Self Hosting)

> OVHcloud (VPS)
> DigitalOcean (VPS)
> Namecheap (Domains)
> porkbun (Domains)
> Let's Encrypt Apache Guide (Free SSL/HTTPS)