
What is Internet Drama and why it's best to avoid it


Imagine one day you are nagivgating your activity page on neocities and come across someone displaying an opinion opposed to your own. Please take a moment to consider this hypothetical then continue reading.

What is drama?

According to drama is "any situation or series of events having vivid, emotional, conflicting, or striking interest or results". It is human nature to be attracted to drama. Some of us stand and watch in disbelief, some engage, and others ignore it and attempt to move on. An example of drama would be people with different opinions attempting to force someone or a group into believing that an opinion is wrong by ridiculing the opinions rather then attempting to come to a meaninful resolution and correct everyone when needed. This kind of drama has become more and more common on neocities.

Why is it a bad thing?

Contrary to popular belief, I feel like not all drama is "bad". Drama in general isn't great but it can be good for figuring out who is actually paying attention to a situation, who is finding enjoyment out of the suffering of others, and who parrots others opinions with zero thought. You can use this information to attempt to navigate drama in a way that leads to your own opinions and conclusions.

How can we mitigate it?

If someone is going out of their way to shut down actual proper dialog on a topic then ignore this person. 9 times out of 10 this person is a troll and should not be taken seriously. Another way to mitigate the issue is to not engage. People are welcome to their own opinions. If that opinion breaks a platform's TOS or other rules then it should be reported to the people in charge of that platform, not the community.
